We Announce!
The Virtual Wedding Of
We are getting married!
Mr. Railam Silalahi, S.H., M.H.
Mrs. Ani Mariani Simarmata
"And the Lord God said, It is not good for the man to be by himself: I will make one like himself as a help to him"
-Genesis 2:18-
Mr. Pdt. Ir. Bukti Tamba, MM
Mrs. Syelfrida Sinaga (†)
Holy Matrimony
Gereja Tiberias Center Kelapa Gading
Saturday, 29th May 2021
12.00 PM - 02.00 PM
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If you wish to give us gifts, kindly send to 1671416282 (BCA) a.n Mario Reymond Pandey Silalahi.
Thank You.
12.00 - Holy Matrimony
Please watch trough the Bride's YouTube Live to watch the entire procession of Holy Matrimony Live.
Thank You for joining our Live Wedding.